
The Tall Target (1951)

Directed by Anthony Mann

Crime | Mystery | Film Noir


A detective tries to prevent the assassination of President-elect Abraham Lincoln during a train ride headed for Washington in 1861.

Rated NR | Length 78 minutes


Dick Powell | Paula Raymond | Adolphe Menjou | Marshall Thompson | Ruby Dee | Richard Rober | Leif Erickson | Will Geer | Florence Bates | Erville Alderson | Olive Ball | Barbara Billingsley | Peter Brocco | George Bunny | John Butler | John Call | Ken Christy | Harry Cody | Frank Conlan | Clancy Cooper | Lucille Curtis | John Damler | Robert Easton | Estelle Etterre | Budd Fine | Dan Foster | A. Cameron Grant | Robert Haines | Jonathan Hale | Sherry Hall | Alvin Hammer | James Harrison | Paul Harvey | Percy Helton | Clarence Hennecke | Marjorie Jackson | Wilfred Jackson | Chester Jones | Nikki Juston | Stapleton Kent | Victor Kilian | Leslie Kimmell | Mitchell Lewis | Emmett Lynn | Robert Malcolm | Mickey Martin | Billy Mitchell | Tom Monroe | Roger Moore | Brad Morrow | Thomas Murray | Lou Nova | Tom Powers | Bob Rich | Jeff Richards | Bert Roach | Phil Schumacher | Irving Smith | Robert Spencer | Robert R. Stephenson | Jack Sterling | Robert Strong | Frank Sully | William Sundholm | Regis Toomey | Charles Wagenheim | Katherine Warren | Dan White | Napoleon Whiting | Wilson Wood | Rodney Wooton | Will Wright

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/28/2022TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Given this premise and when it was made this is way better than one might think. I was skeptical but gave it a shot and was drawn into this wild train adventure to stop the assassination of President elect Lincoln.


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