
Kung Fu on Sale (1979)

Directed by Su Jen-ping

Action | Eastern


Down on his luck, our unlikely hero is trying to save enough money to afford to be trained in kung fu. He joins a group of misfits in hopes of earning the money by performing for crowds in the street. However, he keeps running into trouble and a mysterious kung fu master. Will he be able to overcome the challenges that lie in front of him? Or will he die trying?

Length 88 minutes


Sze-Ma Lung | Chung Wah | Dean Shek | Kao Ming | Man Lee-Pang | Tsang Chiu | Hsiao Wang | Chu Shao-Hwa | Chiang Han

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/26/2022TVDVDOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Another kung fu flick from this old dvd set I have. This one is cool for a couple of reasons. Dean Shek is in this as his kung fu instructor character (second or third film I’ve seen him in this year in the same role!) and he’s just so perfect as the smarmy instructor. Second reason is the long sequence of the fighting in the rain which is done quite well.


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