
The Breach (2022)

Directed by Rodrigo Gudiño

Mystery | Science Fiction | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria


John Hawkins is set to retire from his post as police chief of the small town of Lone Crow, that is tucked away in the deep woods of northern Ontario. But following the discovery of a gruesome body with uncanny injuries, he’s pulled into an investigation to solve the horrifying mystery, which evades explanation.

Length 93 minutes


Allan Hawco | Emily Alatalo | Wesley French | Natalie Brown | Adam Kenneth Wilson | Mary Antonini | Elisa Paszt | Alex Lifeson | Ava Weiss

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/16/2022Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Last movie of the fest and a bit uneven but still enjoyable. Decent film to close out the weekend.

Ninth and final feature at my first Telluride Horror Show. The premise and mystery really work well through the first half then it gets wild if a tad uneven in tone and execution. still a p cool rural Canadian body horror sci-fi flick. Solid way to close out the film festival.


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