Science Fiction | Action | Animation
In the aftermath of the Fourth Impact, stranded without their Evangelions, Shinji, Asuka and Rei find refuge in one of the rare pockets of humanity that still exist on the ruined planet Earth. There, each lives a life far different from their days as an Evangelion pilot. However, the danger to the world is far from over. A new impact is looming on the horizon—one that will prove to be the true end of Evangelion.
Rated R | Length 155 minutes
Megumi Ogata | Yuko Miyamura | Maaya Sakamoto | Megumi Hayashibara | Kotono Mitsuishi | Yuriko Yamaguchi | Tomokazu Seki | Tetsuya Iwanaga | Junko Iwao | Miki Nagasawa | Kouki Uchiyama | Fumihiko Tachiki | Motomu Kiyokawa | Akira Ishida | Kouichi Yamadera | Ryûnosuke Kamiki | Mariya Ise | Miyuki Sawashiro | Takehito Koyasu | Akio Otsuka | Anri Katsu | Hiro Yūki | Sayaka Ohara
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
12/06/2022 | Movie Screen | Digital | Theater | 8 stars |
(Average) 8 stars |
“Joy to the World” needle drop! That’s a Christmas hymn so counting this for Advent!
Gorgeous animation that looks beautiful on the big screen along with the booming audio made for an excellent experience at the theater. Easily the best looking of the films since they could use modern technology to animate (I still love the hand drawn 90s animation). Wasn’t sure I was going to attend this event but i probably should’ve watched the previous three movies just to get back into this batshit narrative. The entire series is bananas and this final installment really goes to some places.
I’m glad Hideaki Anno got to finish this story but it is so wild I barely understand it. Visually it’s incredible and I love most of these characters. Asuka is the best asshole. Love seeing her and Mari team up. All the stuff at the train yard is so good and had me hoping the entire movie was just them hanging out and chilling there.
I didn’t know until after the screening when I was looking it up on TMDb that it’s available on Amazon Prime! WTF that’s so weird it’s there and just now getting a theatrical release. Anyways I glad to have seen it on the big screen first. The animation is really nice especially the mixed media sequences.
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