
The Goose and the Gander (1935)

Directed by Alfred E. Green

Comedy | Romance


When Georgiana Summers learns that the woman who stole and married her husband is planning a romantic tryst with a new love, she hatches a giddy plot to expose the rendezvous and pay her back.

Rated NR | Length 65 minutes


Kay Francis | George Brent | Genevieve Tobin | John Eldredge | Claire Dodd | Ralph Forbes | Helen Lowell | Spencer Charters | William Austin | Eddie Shubert | Charles Coleman | Olive Jones | Bill Elliott | John Sheehan | Wade Boteler | Carlyle Blackwell Jr. | Jane Buckingham | Glen Cavender | Eddy Chandler | Davison Clark | Nick Copeland | Jay Eaton | Eddie Graham | Milton Kibbee | Edward McWade | David Newell | Cliff Saum | Guy Usher | Tom Wilson | Allen Wood | Helen Wood

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/27/2022ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Kay Francis pulling strings while getting robbed of her jewels. The kind of film that audiences likely enjoyed for the humor at the time.


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