
All the Colors of the Dark (1972)

Directed by Sergio Martino

Mystery | Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria


After a car accident that caused the loss of her baby, Jane experiences an increasing amount of nightmares that shake her to her core. After seeking professional help, her haunting visions turn into an even more frightening reality, one full of black magic, blood orgies, and murder.

Rated R | Length 94 minutes


George Hilton | Edwige Fenech | Ivan Rassimov | Julián Ugarte | George Rigaud | Maria Cumani Quasimodo | Nieves Navarro | Marina Malfatti | Luciano Pigozzi | Dominique Boschero | Lisa Leonardi | Tom Felleghy | Vera Drudi | Sergio Martino | George Oliver

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/25/2023TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
02/02/2016TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Haven’t seen this cut of the movie. Had only seen the US cut called They’re Coming to Get You via Fandor. Back when I didn’t want to call this gialli bc it’s a satanic cult flick. LOL

Anyways this has the gd giallo trifecta of Marina Malfatti, Nieves Navarro (Susan Scott) and the Queen Edwige Fenech. This is a fun movie bc it also has staples George Hilton and Ivan Rassimov. This is another one that Cinematic Void programmed at a few indie theaters for January Giallo.


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