
The Legend of Halloween Jack (2018)

Directed by Andrew Jones



On Halloween night, a serial killer returns from the dead to take revenge on the vigilantes who put him to death one year earlier.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Colin Holt | Doug Cooper | Jason Gregg | Aaron Jeffcoate | Jamie Knox | Sarah John | William Wolfe Hogan | Lee Bane | Harriet Rees | Jo Hart | Ed Zephyr | Jared Morgan | Ryan Michaels | Megan Lockhurst | Corinne Strickett | Joseph Blunt | Christopher Bennett | Felicity Boylett | Robert Graham

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/27/2023PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

Had this one downloaded on my phone since my October trip to Chicago. Watched the opening scene on the plane home but never finished (for 31 days of horror). Finished it during my quick trip to rapid city and boy is this not a good movie.

Cheap production and goofy ass killer seeking revenge for the dude murdered in the opening scene strung up like a scarecrow. There’s a scene where the scarecrow killer enters a Halloween party and starts murdering dudes… and there’s a lot of ppl at this party. No one thinks to fight back or stop this single scarecrow. Like you outnumber him 30 to 1 or whatever.


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