
Stewardess School (1986)

Directed by Ken Blancato



A group of varied misfits (including a former prostitute/stripper and a bumbler who can’t see more than 6 inches in front of his face) enter a school to become flight attendants. Somehow, the group makes it through to the final test: a cross-country flight.

Rated R | Length 93 minutes


Brett Cullen | Mary Cadorette | Don Most | Sandahl Bergman | Judy Landers | Wendie Jo Sperber | Julia Montgomery | Dennis Burkley | Corinne Bohrer | Rob Paulsen | Vito Scotti | Rod McCary | William Bogert | Alan Rosenberg | Sherman Hemsley | Vicki Frederick | Lillian Müller | Earl Boen | Toni Sawyer | Joe Dorsey | Casey Sander | John Allen | Brooke Bundy | Gloria LeRoy | Leslie Scarborough | Pilar Del Rey | Mark Neely | Barbara Whinnery | Paul Eiding | Ruth Manning | Paul Barselou | Richard Lineback | Ron Ross | Lenore Woodward | Anita Dangler | Tim Hoskins | Bert Hinchman | Rowena Balos | John O'Leary | Paddi Edwards | Larry Grennan | Felix Nelson | William O'Connell | Richard Erdman | Thomas W. Ashworth | Justin Lord | Bill Erwin | Conrad Dunn | Billy Varga | Joan Lemmo | Robert Towers | Dian Gallup | Denise Gallup | Fran Ryan | Marie Denn | Teddy Wilson | Kathleen O'Haco | Linda Lutz | Andrew J. Kuehn | Carole Kean | Lela Rochon | Lenora Logan | Hartley Silver | Phyllis Cowan | Suzanne Dunn | Priscilla Linn | Paul Bradley | Cathleen MacIntosh | Viola Kates Stimpson | David Sterago | Alexandra Rodzianko

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/28/2023PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

Thought this might be a sex comedy but it’s really not. It’s just awful and not funny. The bomb device on a plane hasn’t aged well, of course. Perhaps the only reason to watch this is Sandahl Bergman is one of the flight attendants.


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