
Grand Central Murder (1942)

Directed by S. Sylvan Simon

Crime | Mystery


Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she’s found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida’s shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer—also a suspect himself—begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.

Rated NR | Length 73 minutes


Van Heflin | Patricia Dane | Cecilia Parker | Virginia Grey | Samuel S. Hinds | Sam Levene | Connie Gilchrist | Mark Daniels | Stephen McNally | Tom Conway | Betty Wells | George Lynn | Roman Bohnen | Millard Mitchell | Norman Abbott | Evalene Bankston | Arthur Q. Bryan | Tom Dugan | Ralph Dunn | Frank Ferguson | Aileen Haley | John Maxwell | Sam McDaniel | Roger Moore | Frank Moran | Lee Phelps | Bert Roach | Walter Soderling | Arthur Space | Brick Sullivan | William Tannen | Christina Teague | Harry Tyler | Chalky Williams | Joe Yule

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/22/2023TVStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars


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