Fantasy | Adventure | Animation
Desperate for cash, the Straw Hat Pirates enter a secret race between pirate crews known as the Dead End Competition. There, they must battle against powerful people, including the bounty hunter who wants to kill Gasparde and a climatic battle with Marine-turned-pirate Captain Gasparde.
Rated PG-13 | Length 95 minutes
Mayumi Tanaka | Kazuya Nakai | Akemi Okamura | Kappei Yamaguchi | Hiroaki Hirata | Ikue Otani | Yuriko Yamaguchi | Miki Sakai | Taro Ishida | Jūrōta Kosugi | Mitsuru Miyamoto | Ichirō Nagai | Eiji Takemoto | Daisuke Gouri | Tetsu Inada | Koji Haramaki | Shuuichi Ikeda | Takeshi Aono
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
02/05/2023 | TV | DVD | Owned | 7 stars |
(Average) 7 stars |
Fun movie and exactly the type of feature I like from ONE PIECE. Also much longer than the previous three films.
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