
Tomio (2011)

Directed by Junji Ito



A young couple, Tomio and Madoka, decide to get married. Madoka convinces Tomio to visit a fortune teller to have their future foretold. He’s immediately attracted to the seductive psychic and returns to her late one night. When he comes to his senses he rejects her out of guilt and tries to leave, but she puts a curse on him out of frustration. Now, Tomio roams the streets trying to, literally, keep his head on straight!

Length 60 minutes


Yuki Furukawa | Aya Kiguchi | Maria Koiwai | Ikuma Saisho | Rie Tsuneyoshi | Yoshifumi Ikeda

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/10/2023TVDVDOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Suitably creepy and fucked up. Feels more like a segment from one of those J-horror anthologies stretched a little longer. Junji Ito should’ve done that with three of his stories.

This is one of the DVDs I bought at Kunokuniya for 50% off bc it was cheaper than anywhere else for ten bucks plus it’s a Junji Ito film.


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