
Birth/Rebirth (2023)

Directed by Laura Moss

Science Fiction | Drama

Most recently watched by sensoria


A single mother and a childless morgue technician are bound together by their relationship to a little girl they have reanimated from the dead.

Length 99 minutes


Marin Ireland | Judy Reyes | A.J. Lister | Breeda Wool | Monique Gabriela Curnen | LaChanze | Bryant Carroll | Rachel Zeiger-Haag | Erica Sweany | Richard Gallagher | Mary Ann Hay | Asha Etchison | Grant Harrison | David Lavine | Katie Kuang | Sarah Dacey-Charles | Ezra Barnes | Pavel Shatu | Rina Mejia | Sean Michael Harrison

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/15/2023Movie ScreenDigitalTheater9 stars

Viewing Notes

one of the best movies if not the best movie I’ve seen at Panic Fest so far


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