Comedy | Adventure | Animation
As Lupin’s mentor Don Dolune lies on his deathbed, he hands the master thief a gift, the diamond named Twilight. Though it’s only half the treasure — the other half of the Twilight can be found in Morocco. Lupin must contend with his on-again-off-again-partner Fujiko, his feelings for the mysterious Lara, and the relentless whip-wielding maniac Sadachiyo in order to bring Twilight back to its full glory.
Rated NR | Length 90 minutes
Kanichi Kurita | Kiyoshi Kobayashi | Eiko Masuyama | Makio Inoue | Gorō Naya | Aya Hisakawa | Yuzuru Fujimoto | Shûichirô Moriyama | Kōichi Kitamura | Takayuki Sugo | Hisako Kyouda | Nachi Nozawa | Eken Mine | Tetsuo Kanao | Yu Shimaka | Yoshiko Suzuki
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
07/05/2023 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 6 stars |
(Average) 6 stars |
As previously mentioned, blown away that Tubi has most of not all the Lupin films both dubbed and subbed. They’ve not been easy to watch and I’ve only been able to get a couple on VHS. Crazy I can just select a title on Tubi.
This story isn’t quite as fun as the previous film but it does another unusual character, perhaps transgender but intentionally not clear ofc. Also will always be surprised by how horny these Lupin films are. Fujiko undresses and has sex with Lupin to get info from him. Then there’s a couple of scenes where Fujiko is topless. Guess these really aren’t “family” anime features.
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