
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992)

Directed by Shinya Tsukamoto

Science Fiction | Horror | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria


A Japanese salaryman finds his body transforming into a weapon through sheer rage after his son is kidnapped by a gang of violent thugs.

Length 81 minutes


Tomorowo Taguchi | Shinya Tsukamoto | Nobu Kanaoka | Kim Sujin | Hideaki Tezuka | Tomoo Asada | Iwata | Keinosuke Tomioka | Torauemon Utazawa

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/22/2023TVBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Different than the original TETSUO but very much the next step in this story with some wild body mod action and imagery. Now I have to get the third film.


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