
Hidden Strike (2023)

Directed by Scott Waugh

Action | Thriller

Most recently watched by VicnaLobster, sensoria


Two elite soldiers must escort civilians through a gauntlet of gunfire and explosions.

Rated PG-13 | Length 103 minutes


Jackie Chan | John Cena | Ma Chunrui | Jiang Wenli | Xu Jia | Gong Jun | Rima Zeidan | Hou Ming Hao | Pilou Asbæk | Amadeus Serafini | Hani Adel | Tim Man | Max Huang | Lee Huang | Nadine Leon Gobet | Rachael Holoway | Tazito Garcia | Temur Mamisashvili | Diego Dati | Michael Koltes | Laila Ezz El Arab | Warwica Gilles

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/28/2023TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Only took five years to get this released. How long will the sequel take? There definitely needs to be a sequel. And hire a better screenplay writer.

Movie is at its best when Cena Chan are on screen together. Everything else is fine but not all that interesting (v dull villain, too). Would’ve liked to see the elite soldiers be more involved (the bus fight is cool). It is nice to see Jackie and his stunt double doing some martial arts action again. He does look old in this and that was 5 years ago.

Agree with Cena’s character; Mei (Ma Chunrui) is hot. Kinda fun throwback to have his character fall for her. Bring her back for the sequel and give her more to do.


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