
Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Directed by Clyde Geronimi

Fantasy | Family | Music

Most recently watched by lordofthemovies, vivalaserdisc


Cursed to die by the evil fairy Maleficent when she was a baby, Princess Aurora is sent into hiding under protection from three good fairies. As she grows up far away, Maleficent becomes increasingly determined to seal the princess’s fate.

Rated G | Length 75 minutes


Mary Costa | Bill Shirley | Eleanor Audley | Verna Felton | Barbara Luddy | Barbara Jo Allen | Taylor Holmes | Bill Thompson | Marvin Miller | Candy Candido | Pinto Colvig | Bob Amsberry

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/16/2023TVDVDLibrary8 stars
07/08/2017Movie ScreenFilmTheater8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Took ten years to make and was a box office failure.

I need to get this on Blu-ray


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