
Scarecrows (2017)

Directed by Stuart Stone

Horror | Thriller


Teenagers are kidnapped and made into scarecrows, that are left to die in the crop fields.

Length 80 minutes


Mike Taylor | Hannah Gordon | Sammi Barber | Austin Duffy | Umed Amin | Maaor Ziv | Jason Thomas | Derek Christoff

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/26/2023TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Reminded me of Wolf Creek, another movie I need to revisit. I didn’t suspect this was a Canadian production until one of the dudes says, “you’re not getting any of my ketchup chips!” ::LOL emoji::

I like this movie and premise. Was very on board until the final sequence. Before that finale this is a solid 7 but that sequence is a 4. Disappointing end to a pretty good take on scarecrow horror.


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