
KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park (1978)

Directed by Gordon Hessler

Music | Science Fiction | Fantasy


The tale of rock band KISS and their efforts to thwart a diabolical plan by mad scientist Abner Devereaux. Devereaux has found a way to clone humans into robots in his laboratory at an amusement park. It just so happens that he plans to use the KISS concert as a platform to unleash his plan on the world. KISS must use their special powers to stop him.

Rated PG | Length 96 minutes


Peter Criss | Ace Frehley | Gene Simmons | Paul Stanley | Anthony Zerbe | Carmine Caridi | Deborah Ryan | John Dennis Johnston | John Lisbon Wood | Lisa Jane Persky | John Chappell | Brion James | Bill Hudson | Don Steele | Richard Hein | Mary Kay Morse | Marc Winters | Sandra Pann | Leon Delaney | Steve Boyum | Jim Connors | Billy Hank Hooker | Eileen Mason | Elliott Mason | Stan Rodarte

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/31/2023PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes


This movie is so bad… and age certainly hasn’t been kind. This is really really bad. Holy shit bad

We were talking about this when I was back in Chicago visiting my friend the Alderman; how we had the premiere circled on the calendar and it was like our Super Bowl. So I had to revisit and this is the perfect time since there’s monsters involved. I recalled so much and yet forgot how terrible everything is. Ofc the best parts are when the band is on stage just performing; that’s the good stuff. But wow this movie is bad.

However (it will never happen) if they restored this to an immaculate presentation and released on UHD with commentaries by Gene and Paul as one then Ace and Peter as another (‘cause they can’t be in the same room together), I’d pay $100 for it and round up a thousand more ppl to do the same. I’d guess there’d be way more than a thousand interested parties given the entirety of the Kiss Army.


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