
The Intruder (1981)

Directed by David F. Eustace

Science Fiction | Fantasy | Mystery

Most recently watched by sensoria


An entertainer arrives to put on a show in a small town. It turns out that he has mystical powers that give each person a glowing aura, and forces them to tell the truth. Complications ensue.

Length 91 minutes


Tony Fletcher | Pita Oliver | James B. Douglas | Jackie Burroughs | Gordon Thomson | Kay Hawtrey | Gerard Jordan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/11/2023ComputerBroadcastOther9 stars

Viewing Notes

Not even close to guessing this sixth film correctly. Hint:

“Utterly bizarre mash-up of 1970s-era regional soapy drama, TWILIGHT ZONE-esque sci-fi/horror, and way more swearing and nudity than you would expect”

This is a terrible movie but 9 stars for how insanely entertaining it is. Not even sure how to explain it other than just writing out everything that happens and how none of it makes any sense.


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