
Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)

Directed by Woody Allen

Comedy | Mystery


A middle-aged couple suspects foul play when their neighbor’s wife suddenly drops dead.

Rated PG | Length 104 minutes


Woody Allen | Diane Keaton | Jerry Adler | Alan Alda | Anjelica Huston | Lynn Cohen | Melanie Norris | Zach Braff | Joy Behar | Ron Rifkin | John Doumanian | Sylvia Kauders | Ira Wheeler | Marge Redmond | George J. Manos | Aida Turturro | John Costelloe | Philip Levy | Wendell Pierce | Steven Randazzo | Frank Pellegrino | Gloria Irizarry | William Addy | Yanni Sfinias | Ruth Last | Suzanne Raffaelli | Al Cerullo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/16/2023TVDVDLibrary6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Probably the only reason to seek out WA films is if it fits a theme or event. Otherwise I’m not interested in viewing his movies anymore. Since I’m all about the murder mystery movies this month I figured I’d cross this one off the list.

It’s fine but quite silly. Anjelica Huston is the standout. Wild to see Vincent Pastore just sitting at a table in the background.


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