
The Lion in Winter (1968)

Directed by Anthony Harvey

Drama | History

Most recently watched by JohnPeel


Henry II and his estranged queen battle over the choice of an heir.

Rated PG | Length 134 minutes


Peter O'Toole | Katharine Hepburn | Anthony Hopkins | John Castle | Nigel Terry | Timothy Dalton | Jane Merrow | Nigel Stock | O.Z. Whitehead | Kenneth Ives | Kenneth Griffith | Henry Woolf | Karol Hagar | David Griffith | Fran Stafford | Ella More

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/19/2023TVDVDLibrary7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Prestige actors firing on all cylinders. Wanted to watch this after Stallone said this was his favorite film (he shows a clip of significance during the SLY documentary). The movie is about a king deciding which of his sons should succeed him while his wife thwarts his plans.  Clearly a stage play fashioned into a movie. 

Bonus Christmas movie since most of the drama takes place during the holiday. But there’s nothing really Christmas about it otherwise haha (second Xmas movie I’ve seen with Peter O’Toole this year).


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