
The Family Jewels (1965)

Directed by Jerry Lewis

Comedy | Crime | Family


A young heiress must choose between six uncles, one of which is up to no good and out to harm the girl’s beloved bodyguard who practically raised her.

Rated NR | Length 99 minutes


Jerry Lewis | Donna Butterworth | Sebastian Cabot | Neil Hamilton | Jay Adler | Anne Baxter | Robert Strauss | Jesslyn Fax | Renie Riano | Herbie Faye | Norman Leavitt | Ellen Corby | Marjorie Bennett | Vince Barnett | Milton Frome | John Hubbard | Benny Rubin | Gerald Mohr | Gene Baylos

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/02/2024TVDVDOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

One of the better Jerry Lewis films I’ve seen recently. Lewis is the chauffeur for this young heiress and he plays that character straight. She has to meet each of her six uncles to determine which one will be her new father. Each uncle is also portrayed by Lewis. It’s amusing that for each one it’s merely a different outfit and a set of fake teeth.

The best sequences are when the pilot uncle flies a bunch of old ladies to Chicago and the detective uncle performs a bunch of trick shots on a pool table, which is rather amazing and also makes no sense.


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