
Superfights (1995)

Directed by Siu-Hung Leung

Action | Crime


Jack Cody has always wanted to enter the world of the Superfights, a free fighting tournament. One night, Jack rescues a girl from a mugging and becomes a national hero. Only then is he given his opportunity to become a Superfighter. Jack soon meets a ninja who informs him that the man behind the Superfights is involved in illegal acts. Armed with this knowledge Jack must fight . . . for his life!

Length 94 minutes


Brandon Gaines | Keith Vitali | Feihong Yu | Chuck Jeffreys | Jim Steele | Rob Van Dam | Kelly Gallant | Cliff Lenderman | Patrick Lung Kong | Joy Romano

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/28/2024ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

A professional fighting group serving as cover for an organized crime boss in the wild streets and seedy underbelly of.. ::checks notes:: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania!

Was trying to figure out where this was taking place and when I learned it was Harrisburg it made the movie even more of a blessing.

VinSyn or Terror Vision needs to release this. So ridiculous and such a blast. Also features one the OG UFC fighters Keith Hackney!


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