An unauthorized live-action adaptation of the Dragon Ball manga, it follows a band of misfit adventurers trying to stop King Horn and his goal to collect all seven Dragon Balls, and his wish of ultimate power.
Length 86 minutes
Chin Tu | Wong Chung-Yue | Jeannie Hsieh | Chen Chi-Chiang | Cheng Tung-Chuen | Lee Yee-Kuen | Philip So Yuen-Fung | Pang San | Kong Lung-Sing | Eveline Oranje | Yau Ying-Hung
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
02/13/2024 | TV | Broadcast | TV | 5 stars |
(Average) 5 stars |
This is a very odd movie based on the Dragon Ball manga / video game.
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