
Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971)

Directed by Burt Kennedy

Western | Comedy


A con artist arrives in a mining town controlled by two competing companies. Both companies think he’s a famous gunfighter and try to hire him to drive the other out of town.

Rated G | Length 91 minutes


James Garner | Suzanne Pleshette | Jack Elam | Harry Morgan | Joan Blondell | Marie Windsor | John Dehner | Henry Jones | Dub Taylor | Kathleen Freeman | Dick Curtis | Willis Bouchey | Walter Burke | Gene Evans | Grady Sutton | Ellen Corby | Ben Cooper | Virginia Capers | Herb Vigran | Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez | Mike Wagner | Terry Wilson | Roy Glenn | John Wheeler | Jerry Gatlin | Dick Haynes | Jimmie Booth | Bill Borzage | Danny Borzage | David S. Cass Sr. | Ted Christy | Charles Cirillo | Jack R. Clinton | Chuck Connors | John Daheim | Louie Elias | Charles Fogel | Bob Folkerson | Don Gazzaniga | Mickey Golden | Jack Gordon | Raven Grey Eagle | Bob Harks | George Hickman | Eugene Jackson | Michael Jeffers | Bobby Johnson | Richard LaMarr | John Marlin | Rod McGaughy | James Nolan | William H. O'Brien | Joe Pine | John Quijada | Arnold Roberts | Hank Robinson | Clark Ross | Cosmo Sardo | Diane Sayer | Jerry Schumacher | Cap Somers | Arthur Tovey | Sid Troy | Max Wagner | Wally West | Bob Whitney | Chalky Williams

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/20/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

After viewing SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF I was happy to find the “sequel” on Prime (it’s not a sequel but after the success of the first film Garner wanted to do another story in the same vein of comedy western and use a lot of the same cast as different characters). This story is another very loose spin on Yojimbo.

Coincidentally both films have a reference to Chicago. In the first movie Garner tells Elam about reading books on Australia in the Chicago library. In this movie the hotel manager (Kathleen Freeman) tells Garner that this hotel is as good as the Palmer House in Chicago. (It’s not, lol)

I’d like to know which train it is at the end of the movie bc that would be a fun trip through the mountains.


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