
Haunted Tales (1980)

Directed by Chor Yuen, Mou Tun-fei

Supernatural | Horror


1. A crash leaves a man dead, and his wife badly injured. Soon, he returns as a ghost to try to take her with him. 2. A caretaker wins the lottery thanks to the saucer spirit. Things begin to go wrong when he breaks his promise to it.

Length 85 minutes


Ling Yun | Ching Li | Lin Chen-Chi | Lau Luk-Wah | Chan Shen | Shum Lo | Lau Nga-Ying | Hung Ling-Ling | Chih-Ching Yang | Ku Kuan-Chung | Gam Biu | Sha-fei Ouyang | Lee Pang-Fei | Cheng Miu | Ngaai Fei | Fung Ging-Man | Lau Cheun | Lui Hung | Hon Lai-Fan | Chan Hung | Tam Bo | Wang Han-Chen | Wan Seung-Lam | Chan Siu-Kai | Ting Tung | Sha Sha | Liu Lai-Ling | Tsi-Ang Chin | Leung Sam

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/21/2024ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

TIL Ching Li and Li Ching are two different actresses that worked for the Shaw Brothers. Now I’m wondering how many titles have them incorrectly listed at TMDb.

This not an anthology since it only has two main stories and no wraparound. Both are interesting but not great. The first one that features Ching Li is neat for the crazy modern house. The second story has some explicit nudity, more than usual.

Still a watchable film and one that should be a part of a proper Shaw horror set.


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