
Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss (1970)

Directed by Yasuharu Hasebe

Crime | Thriller | Sports


A wandering tough biker girl aids a female delinquent gang in their battles against an all-male Seiyu group over a fixed boxing match.

Length 81 minutes


Akiko Wada | Meiko Kaji | Tatsuya Fuji | Yôsui Inoue | Ken Sanders | Hanako Tokachi | Kôji Wada | Bunjaku Han | Goro Mutsumi | Mari Koiso

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/21/2024TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars
11/14/2014TVBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Not a great film but I like seeing 1960s Tokyo and Meiko Kaji is amazing, ofc. Had this focused more on the girl gangs rather than the yakuza / fixed fight story, it may have been more interesting. That dune buggy motorcycle chase is really fun.


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