
Fortress: Sniper's Eye (2022)

Directed by Josh Sternfeld

Action | Thriller


Weeks after the deadly assault on Fortress Camp, Robert makes a daring rescue to save Sasha, the widow of his old nemesis Balzary. But back in the camp’s command bunker, it appears Sasha may have devious plans of her own. As a new attack breaks out, Robert is confronted with a familiar face he thought he’d never see again…

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Chad Michael Murray | Bruce Willis | Jesse Metcalfe | Kelly Greyson | Ser'Darius Blain | Michael Sirow | Welker White | Natali Yura | Celeste Fianna | Larken Woodward | Leslee Emmett | Alyssa Julya Smith | Natalia Guslistaya | Gabrielle Haugh | Adam Huel Potter | Jonathan Castellano | Ronal Tejada | J.T. Foxx | Felix Cortes | Xavier Reyes | Jake Ellenz | Malcom Cuadra | Ramón Vázquez | Sebastian Vazquez | Angel R. Pagan Colon | Josh Sternfeld | Leonardo Castro Sitiriche

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/26/2024TVDigitalVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

The sequel to FORTRESS that occurs 1 month later in the timeline of events (they do set up a sequel in the first movie). This one is a little better than the previous film but still not great. More of the same but at least it does something a little different and perhaps bc they sideline Bruce Willis for much of the film so you don’t have to see him struggling. What is fascinating to me about these movies w/Willis is how they have to film around him, or use a stand-in or edit the scene. It’s like anytime you don’t see his face you know it’s not him.

Maybe the most amusing thing about these movies is that they’re written by Emile Hirsch (!!). Not entirely but he has a story credit which was funny to see in the credits. It’s like he got burned in a bad cryptocurrency deal and now wrote an exaggerated story about it. The other humorous thing is how they attempt to make Michael Sirow’s character a thing, like a low budget Scott Adkins, which is saying something given some of Scott’s films.


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