
Dangerous (2021)

Directed by David Hackl

Action | Thriller


A reformed sociopath heads to a remote island after the death of his brother. Soon after his arrival, the island falls under siege from a deadly gang of mercenaries, and when he discovers their role in his brother’s demise, he sets out on a relentless quest for vengeance.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Scott Eastwood | Mel Gibson | Tyrese Gibson | Kevin Durand | Famke Janssen | Brenda Bazinet | Ryan Robbins | Brendan Fletcher | Leanne Lapp | Chad Rook | Brock Morgan | Destiny Millns | Atlee Smallman | Jayce Barreiro | Al Miro | Emmanuel Addo | Jack Mitchel | Grant Vlahovic | Matthew Che'z | Matt Brown | Alvin Tam

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/28/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Odd movie that sorta wants to be a comedy but also a thriller…. maybe a DIE HARD ON AN ISLAND, I guess? But the protag (Eastwood) is on the spectrum and his family hates him. I like Eastwood and hope someday when they make the biopic of his dad they cast him as Clint; he has so many of the same looks and line deliveries. If he slowed down his dialogue he would sound just like his father.

Kevin Durand is the big bad and that was the main draw for me in addition to Tyrese. Mel Gibson has a ridiculous role as well. Famke Janssen is totally unused. Again, odd movie but very watchable.

Who would have guessed that of the top five name actors that Famke is the one I’ve seen the most. By a lot!


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