
The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961)

Directed by Coleman Francis

Science Fiction | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria


A refugee Soviet scientist arrives at a desert airport carrying secret documents, but is attacked by a pair of KGB assassins and escapes into the desert, where he comes in range of an American nuclear test and is transformed into a mindless killing beast.

Rated NR | Length 54 minutes


Tor Johnson | Bing Stafford | Larry Aten | Douglas Mellor | Barbara Francis | Alan Francis | Ronald Francis | Coleman Francis | Anthony Cardoza | John Morrison | Jim Miles | Jim Oliphant | Linda Bielema | George Principe | Marcia Knight | Graham Stafford | Eric Tomlin | Bob Labansat | Conrad Brooks

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2024ComputerBroadcastOwned2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Second feature in the TRR-TV B-Fest Tribute marathon. This has a 1.9/10 rating on IMDb LOL—it’s bad. Surprised I hadn’t seen this before.


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