
Computer Beach Party (1988)

Directed by Gary Troy


Most recently watched by sensoria


Surfing buddies, Andy and Dennis, find their prime surf turf is going to be radically changed by uncool Mayor Dawes for a private development - a real beach bummer! Realizing that things don’t compute, the guys plan a major mayor protest party on the beach by linking up hundreds of friends on their home computer. Using their hardware to attract software, they have created a whole new version of The Data Game! Come down to the shore for a totally gnarly bash that Annette and Frankie could only dream about.

Length 97 minutes


Stacey Nemour | Hank Amico | André Chimène | Rich Brakedale | Hunter Vail | Doug Parks

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2024ComputerBroadcastOther0 stars

Viewing Notes

sixth movie of the TRR-TV B-Fest Tribute Show and one I have never heard of, and Coffman said this is the bad part of the show.


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