
Science Crazed (1991)

Directed by Ron Switzer

Science Fiction | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria, leiabox, noahphex, jenerator, zombiefreak


A mad scientist injects a woman with an untested growth serum. She dies, but gives birth to a full-grown monster.

Length 90 minutes


Cameron Klein | Tony Della Ventura | Robin Hartsell | Catherine Bruhier | Marlene Charney | Ebony | Sylvia Fisher | Ottalie Mason | Mike Sommers

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2024ComputerBroadcastOther7 stars
06/11/2011TVOtherOther5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was a film that Josh (IIRC) brought to BTSNAT back in the day before there was any release. This movie destroyed us and I often think about it and that experience. I’ve since bought it on DVD but haven’t been able to rewatch it bc I know it would never live up to that moment. When I saw Coffman programmed it for this TRR-TV B-Fest Tribute show I was excited bc I really only want to watch this with others, even if it’s only virtual.

**previous notes still stand! :)


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