
Take Two (1988)

Directed by Peter Rowe

Drama | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria


A dying woman tells her son, Barry Griffith, she had been a surrogate mother for a millionaire, and that he is a twin to that baby. He seeks out his twin, Frank Bentley to get a bite of his inheritance, but he’s not the first long-lost brother to call. Barry stakes out across the street from Frank’s home so he can spy and release the story to a tabloid paper. In the process, he begins an affair with Frank’s mistreated wife.

Length 101 minutes


Grant Goodeve | Robin Mattson | Frank Stallone | Nita Talbot | Warren Berlinger | Mickey Morton | Darwyn Swalve | Karen Mayo-Chandler | Suzee Slater | Betty A. Bridges | Tom Silardi | Marc Fiorini | Adriana Michel | Cynthia Erland

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2024ComputerBroadcastOther4 stars

Viewing Notes

Eighth movie of the TRR-TV B-Fest Tribute Marathon and one Coffman had not seen prior to this screening. If he had he probably wouldn’t have programmed it. It’s a slog. The only real highlight is seeing Robin Mattson in a movie having only known her from her time on the soap opera Santa Barbara that we watched religiously in high school.


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