
Kárate Contra Mafia (1981)

Directed by Ramón Saldías

Action | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria


Lai Chao, a young sailor and expert in kung fu, inadvertently finds himself dragged into an international diamond smuggling scheme. With both the police and the local mafia don (along with his hooded henchmen) in hot pursuit, Lai Chao is forced to fight for his life as kung fu expert killers lurk around every corner!

Length 80 minutes


Agustín Denis | Carolina Yao | Paco Romero | Francisco del Barco | Simon Yao | Atsushisha Tonogami | Juan Luis Rodríguez | Juan Cabrera

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2024ComputerBroadcastOther0 stars

Viewing Notes

Ninth movie of the TRR-TV B-Fest Tribute Marathon.


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