
Vampires on Bikini Beach (1988)

Directed by Mark Headley

Horror | Comedy


Two teenagers find a book called “The Book of the Dead,” and soon they discover that a vampire cult, which needs the book to raise the dead so they can take over the world, is after them.

Length 80 minutes


Jennifer Badham | Todd Kaufman | Stephen Mathews | Nancy Rogers | Amanda Hughes | Jennifer Jostyn | Ken Abraham

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/26/2024PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

I like this movie! It is so much of its time and entertaining enough to keep me interested. Another one of those movies that I’m surprised I haven’t heard about before bc it isn’t terrible. Perhaps the only thing surprising is that this is a PG film. They should’ve leaned more into the sex comedy beach flicks popular at the time along w/vampire movies and go full rated R. Pretty tame stuff given the premise.


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