
Magdalena Viraga (1986)

Directed by Nina Menkes

Drama | Fantasy | Crime


Story of A Red Sea Crossing. Shot in the bars and seedy hotels of East LA, this film is about the inner life of a prostitute imprisoned for killing her pimp.

Rated NR | Length 91 minutes


Dave Gist | Scott Edmund Lane | Tinka Menkes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/29/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Amusing to watch this right after PHANTOM LOVE, which borrows a few themes from Magdalena Viraga. Had I watched this first I may not have been as taken by PHANTOM LOVE. I like this movie and premise along with the stilted dialogue. Gives an unsettling feeling to an already uncomfortable situation (prostitutes abused by their johns and pimps).


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