
Ninja: The Final Duel (1986)

Directed by Robert Tai

Action | Eastern


The Ji Ho Ninja clan vow to destroy the monks of Shaolin temple. To do so they must first perfect many of their techniques in order to ensure the battle will be won. The temple finds protection from monks who set out to save it.

Length 90 minutes


Alexander Lo Rei | Li Yi-Min | William Yen | Wang Hsieh | Wong Chi-Sang | Eugene Thomas | Lee Hoi-Hing | Yuk Hin | Silvio Azzolini | Philip So Yuen-Fung | Li Chu-Yong | Ahmed Najja | Alice Tseng | Ming Cheng Tseng | Wong Goon-Hung | Chan Yue-Ching | Robert Tai | Chang Kuo-Chiang | Chui Kei-Wai | Billy Yang Shi-Kwong | Cheng Hoi-Yuen

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/29/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

“He’s one of us… the famous black monk from Harlem!”

The last DriveInMob movie for NinjAugust, all ninja movies this month. This was on my watchlist and now I know why; it’s batshit crazy and loaded with action. Well choreographed action. Huge props to Alice Tseng who performs an entire fighting sequence completely nude. Like wow haven’t quite seen anything like that.

Another example of a movie along with the sequel that should get a sweet physical release from VS or 88 or Arrow. Just bonkers filmmaking and fighting.


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