
Local Legends (2013)

Directed by Matt Farley

Comedy | Documentary


The adventures of Matt Farley as he spends a few weeks preparing for a big comedy show in Manchester, NH.

Length 75 minutes


Matt Farley | Elizabeth M. Peterson | Sharon Scalzo | Tom Scalzo | Chris Peterson | Kevin McGee | Charles Roxburgh | Brian Toomey | Doug Brennan | Chris Sleison | Jon Noble | Josh Lynch | Ryan Desmarais | Janet Doell | Bruce Doell | Dave Lifrieri | Meg Welch | Jon Cross | Matt D. | Casper Cadillac | Dori Cross | Jim Farley | Rachel Farley | Ricky Mapleton

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/03/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Since Matt Farley put this up on YT for free I wanted to watch it following his RIVERBEAST flick, which was amusing. This mockumentary is the same type of dry humor and indie aesthetics. Easy to see why DeCloux loves this filmmaker. Had to watch this last night bc he’s taking it off YT now that the sequel is premiering in Toronto (I think).

This movie is fine but I really like that he’s always trying to get ppl to watch his movies, esp. Don’t Let the Riverbeast Get You!. haha


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