
Repo Man (1984)

Directed by Alex Cox

Comedy | Science Fiction | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria, lordofthemovies, squeegull, seanCduregger, themarc


A down and out young punk gets a job working with a seasoned repo man, but what awaits him in his new career is a series of outlandish adventures revolving around aliens, the CIA, and a most wanted ‘64 Chevy.

Rated R | Length 92 minutes


Emilio Estevez | Harry Dean Stanton | Tracey Walter | Olivia Barash | Sy Richardson | Susan Barnes | Fox Harris | Tom Finnegan | Del Zamora | Eddie Velez | Zander Schloss | Jennifer Balgobin | Dick Rude | Miguel Sandoval | Vonetta McGee | Richard Foronjy | Bruce White | Sue Kiel | Helen Martin | Angelique Pettyjohn | Con Covert | Biff Yeager | Ed Pansullo | Jon St. Elwood | David Chung | Cynthia Szigeti | Jonathon Hugger | Dale Reynolds | Dolores DeLuce | Luis Contreras | Alex Cox | Michael Nesmith | Steve Mattson | Thomas Boyd | Charles Hopkins | Kelitta Kelly | Varnum Honey | Dorothy Bartlett | Sharon Gregg | Jac McAnelly | Jimmy Buffett | Shep Wickham | Gregg Taylor | Jon Fondy | Keith Miley | Michael Bennett | Brad Jamieson | Janet Chan | Logan Carter | Laura Sorrenson | George Sawaya | Connie Ponce | Bob Ellis | Quentin Gutierrez | Richard Furukawa | 'Earthquake' Hesson | Keith Morris | Greg Hetson | Chuck Biscuits | Earl Liberty | Clyde Grimes | Chuck Askerneese | Kevin Long | Jerry Miller | Rob Lampron | Josh Harris | Herman Askerneese | Kim Williams | Michele Person | Wally Cronin | Monona Wali | Cosmo Mata | Rodney Bingenheimer | Jorge Martínez | Melanie Schloss | Nancy Richardson

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/05/2024Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars
02/14/2009TVDVDLibrary6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Haven’t seen this on the big screen until now. Great to see a nice 35mm print for this and get a fun intro by Alex Cox. This is way more funny than I remembered. It’s a weird movie for me bc we loved it as a teen and watched it a lot. As an adult it hits differently. Enjoyed it more viewing with an audience (nice to see a decent turnout for it but I wished Jason had asked his usual question for rep screenings, “how many of you *haven’t* seen this movie?”).

Hadn’t thought about getting the Criterion BD but during this screening, I decided it would be a good one to own. Just for Harry Dean Stanton alone. He’s so f’n good.


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