
Dragon's Heaven (1988)

Directed by Makoto Kobayashi

Science Fiction | Action | Animation


In the year 3195, there was a war between an army of robots and the humans. When Shaian, a sentient combat armor, lost his companion in battle, he shut down until his internal systems spotted a new human. It’s now almost a 1000 years later, and Shaian’s greatest enemy is still alive and doing battle in Brazil. With a new friend’s help, Shaian may be able to stop this evil force before another war rages over the continent.

Length 42 minutes


Kei Tomiyama | Yuuko Minaguchi | Iemasa Kayumi | Daisuke Gouri

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/25/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Love this. Surprised I hadn’t seen it before now but it was saved in my IMDb watchlist, oddly enough. It’s as if Moebius and Miyazaki’s NausicaƤ had a baby. Wish they had made an entire feature film in this style.


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