

Directed by Christian Zakharchuk

Comedy | Horror | Drama

Most recently watched by sensoria


A negative free and playful sitcom is hijacked by an entity daunting a pig mask, as it tears apart the mindless glee hiding the real horrors.

Length 53 minutes


Rowyn Larvin | Teagan Liptrot | Christian Zakharchuk | Kinsey D' Archangelo | Jacob Simichich | Olivia Aloma | Connor Nyhan | Ciaran Sterling

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/05/2024ComputerBroadcastOther6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Movie #10 - a near feature length wild Canadian homegrown horror trip and my second favorite thing in the marathon. Another true mind melter and shares a lot with the pregame film ALMOST INVISIBLE, where not everything is as it seems.

Crazy this was made in 2020 bc it looks / feels older but I did notice one of the girls had a modern smartphone so I knew it wasn’t that old. But it has that quality, like more early ‘00s that 2020. Knowing that I get the impression this dude and his friends were bored during the pandemic and made this dream fever of a movie. Kudos to them! I love it.


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