
Monster Summer (2024)

Directed by David Henrie

Mystery | Horror


When a mysterious force begins to disrupt their big summer fun, Noah and his friends team up with a retired police detective to embark on a monstrous adventure to save their island.

Rated PG-13 | Length 98 minutes


Mel Gibson | Mason Thames | Julian Lerner | Abigail James Witherspoon | Noah Cottrell | Nora Zehetner | Lorraine Bracco | Emma Fasano | Spencer Fitzgerald | Patrick Renna | Ashley Rae Trisler | Gavin Bedell | Gary Weeks | Bobbi Baker | Kelly Lintz | Nico Tirozzi | Lilah Pate | Kevin James | Barbara Goodson | Abrielle Josephine Cincotti | Nick Benas | Parker E. Chick | Sara Elizabeth Ezzell | Robert Fortunato | Keeley Kollmann | Samantha Miro | Art Newkirk | Logan Newkirk | Violet Berlus | Lara Fontes | Derrick Lemmon | Hannah Michelle | Mary Clare Mitchell | Lucretia Newkirk | David Pascua | Veronica Russell | Stacey Stewart | James Richard Wemmitt

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/09/2024Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

It’s fine. Gateway horror for the kids. I like that they cast Patrick Renna from the Sandlot for the umpire. Shot in North Carolina but set in Martha’s Vineyard. Why not just set it North Carolina?


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