
House of the Dead 2 (2006)

Directed by Michael Hurst

Action | Horror


In Guesta Verde University, the deranged Professor Curien is trying to bring back the dead, killing students for the experiment. There is an outbreak of zombies in the campus, and the government sends a NSA medical research team, formed by Dr. Alexandra Morgan a.k.a. Nightingale and lieutenant Ellis, with a special force leaded by lieutenant Dalton, trying to get the zero sample from the first generation zombie. The team has a very short time to accomplish their mission and leave the place before missiles are sent to destroy the area. However, the place is crowded of hyper sapiens and the group has to fight to survive.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Emmanuelle Vaugier | Ed Quinn | Sticky Fingaz | Victoria Pratt | Theo Rossi | Steve Monroe | James Parks | Dan Southworth | Billy Brown | Nadine Velazquez | Ellie Cornell | Sid Haig | Ross Patterson | Mary Ann Jarou | Masi Oka | Jennifer Holland | Johnny Trí Nguyễn | Nils Allen Stewart | Chris Prinzo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/11/2024TVDVDOwned5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another sequel checked off the list for 31DoH and one I had to order bc it wasn’t streaming and I could only find foreign language versions on ok ru.

Anyways it’s not bad given how much I loathe the original (but have since come around on it). This gets a favorable bump bc it’s led by some tough women including Victoria Pratt. But this is such a big departure from the first movie in tone and premise. Like not really related but only in name.


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