
Godzilla: Attack on Tokyo (2024)

Directed by Kazuhiro Nakagawa

Action | Science Fiction | Short


Godzilla attacks the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, smashing a massive hole in the structure, but is intercepted by a modified Super X2 developed in secret by the Tokyo government.

Length 7 minutes


Naoya Matsumoto

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/03/2024PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty cool short film. When I was logging the recent Godzilla Fest 5 short film I noticed this other short film was listed. so I looked it up and found a video on YT. This was the special event in Shinjuku where they projected a specially designed movie onto the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building (I call it TMG even tho no one in Tokyo does - I have a story about this from my first visit to Tokyo and getting lost).

Very debatable as to whether this should be listed in TMDb given what it actually is, a projection on a building that conforms to the architecture and face of the TMG towers. It’s very cool and you have to be present to actually view it. Ofc it’s on YT, the entire 7 minute version of it, but is it really a movie? it is really neat and would be amazing to see in person.

It’s super amusing to me that this is a thing when the TMG towers (a must visit, btw) are no where close to any residential area and mostly in a very business district. My first trip to Tokyo I stayed at the Washington Hotel, which is kinda sorta across the street. But there’s nothing else around there so it’s wild that they did this and ppl would go there to watch it. Wish this was a thing when I was there cuz I could watch it every night!

Happy 70th Anniversary, Godzilla!


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