
Secret of the Red Orchid (1962)

Directed by Helmut Ashley

Crime | Mystery


Rival gangsters from Chicago move to London and attempt to extort money from rich Britons.

Rated NR | Length 84 minutes


Christopher Lee | Adrian Hoven | Marisa Mell | Pinkas Braun | Christiane Nielsen | Eric Pohlmann | Fritz Rasp | Wolfgang Büttner | Herbert A.E.Böhme | Günther Jerschke | Klaus Kinski | Eddi Arent | Sigrid von Richthofen | Hans Paetsch | Edgar Wenzel | Florent Antony | Helmut Ashley | Friedrich G. Beckhaus | Horst Breitkreuz | H.M. Crayon | Peter Frank | Willem Fricke | Ernst Fritz Fürbringer | Benno Gellenbeck | Kurt A. Jung | Konrad Mayerhoff | Antic Melkior | Charles Palent | Frank Straass | Hans Zesch-Ballot

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/12/2024TVBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Definitely a sitch where the dub is not preferable to the OG language bc they make Christopher Lee sound like a goofball. Like, you couldn’t just get him to dub his own dialogue in English?? Afterwards, I watched the first bit of the movie again with the OG German language and it’s light years better. I know, I should’ve gone with that from the beginning but I’ve been watching all the krimis with an English dub bc that’s mostly what’s available out there.

Good thing is that I can revisit bc this movie is in the Eurocrypt of Christopher Lee set. It’s such a funny premise, too, with the Chicago gangsters going to London to continue doing crime. Not one of the better krimis but fun enough bc of Lee and Kinski.


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