Action | Science Fiction | Short
Kamen Rider World is a short 3-D film produced by Toei Company based on the Kamen Rider Series that premiered on August 6, 1994 and was shown in amusement parks and special events nationwide in Japan. It was shown as a triple feature alongside Super Sentai World and Toei Hero Daishugō (a crossover between Tokusou Robo Janperson and Blue Swat which also used footage from Super Sentai World).
Length 8 minutes
Yuuta Mochizuki | Hiroshi Tsuchikado | Rikako Aikawa | Jūrōta Kosugi | Masaki Terasoma | Shirô Izumi | Airi Aiga
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
01/02/2025 | Computer | Streaming | Video on Demand | 7 stars |
06/10/2023 | Computer | Broadcast | Other | 7 stars |
(Average) 7 stars |
A mutual logged this on LB having watched it off the new the Media Blasters KAMEN RIDER: THE TRILOGY ELITE KOLLECTION, which is now sold out. Guess they didn’t anticipate the demand. Apparently they plan to make more of this collection but w/o this short film, for whatever reason. I found a nice version with optional subtitles on YT.
More about the Kollection here:
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