
ViewFinder (2024)

Directed by Joshua Naish

Drama | Short


A student film in which an emotionally troubled teenager meets a spiritual being named Corinthians, and is shown the existence of love. The trouble is, he won’t hear Corinthians’ words.

Length 3 minutes


Will Salt | Sean Conway

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/20/2025PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

Someone I follow on LB watched all three short films by this young director and raved about them. So I watched one and yeah not for me. Some spiritual borderline religious thing. And the ghost angel Corinthians has English subtitles but Frank does not. They both speak English. Is ghost angel more important?!

Anyways this did remind me of a glorious awful movie for bad movie night.


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