
Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force (2025)

Directed by Wuershan

Fantasy | Action | War


Taishi Wen Zhong led the army of Shang Dynasty including Deng Chanyu and four generals of the Mo Family to Xiqi. With the help of Kunlun immortals such as Jiang Ziya, Ji Fa led the army and civilians of Xiqi to defend their homeland.

Rated NR | Length 145 minutes


Huang Bo | Yu Shi | Nashi | Luke Chen | Fei Xiang | Naran | Wu Hsing-Guo | Swanson Han Pengyi | Jiwu Zhesha | Yafan Wu | Xia Yu | Seng-Ge Ren-Qin | Alijang Kuerban | Zhang Yi-Long | Na Yintai | Chen Kun | Li Xue-Jian | Tim Huang | Li Yunrui | William Feng | Ryan Liu | Chun Xiao | Qilemug | Zhang Xuehan | Bo Qian | Tumenbayaer | Zeyu Li | Yang Dapeng

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/10/2025Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars
01/29/2025Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

Seated: all the Chinese people and me 😂
Happy Lunar New Year!!

You don’t realize how many Chinese people live in Northwest suburbs of Denver until you attend an opening night Chinese blockbuster screening in the IMAX theater. Figure that’s like maybe 1 percent or less of the folks that would actually go opening night so yeah. kept wondering where they shop at… the Chinese supermarkets and such, because I need to go to these places.

I appreciate these kinds of screenings which remind me of my time in NW Chicago burbs and all the Korean movies I went to see since my local theater in Niles was the only one that would have the latest Korean movies esp. the blockbusters and the entire theater was full of Korean people. And me. It’s awesome.

Anyways, I was lukewarm on the previous Creation of the Gods movie, which I also saw here in IMAX, but LOVE this installment. It has a trope I’m not super crazy about but enjoyed it here bc the new leads are so handsome together. Became completely smitten with Nashi’s General Deng bc I love a badass woman warrior. There’s an early sequence with her and Ji Fa (actor Yu Shi) fighting and bantering, which you know means these two enemies are gonna hook up eventually, I mean, it’s telegraphed, but in those moments I said, “if this movie is just 2 hours of this, I’m cool with it.” It’s fun to watch these attractive people hate each other yet face adversity together, that old cinema chestnut.

There’s THREE mid and post credits scenes and each is very long so that is super cool (they followed up on some loose threads) but what’s not cool is AMC turning on the house lights as soon as the credits roll so we had to watch these long scenes under the bright lights. Boooooooo

Despite being lukewarm on the first film I ordered the BD so I could revisit bc I forgot everything that happened in that movie. It’s also on Prime but I like Wuershan as a director so I’d like to own all his films. Maybe I’ll enjoy Creation of the Gods Part 1 more now that Part 2 was so enjoyable? Already thinking about going to see it again after I revisit the first film.


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