
Moon of a Sleepless Night (2015)

Directed by Takeshi Yashiro

Animation | Adventure | Short


In a thick forest full of giant trees, a boy lives modestly with his family. One day, a guardian of the moon looking like a squirrel shows up in front of the boy, saying the moon got accidentally stuck on a high tree somewhere far East. Night dominates the world as the sky stops moving with the still moon. Now, the boy and the squirrel go off on adventures into the dark forest to search and free the moon.

Length 27 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/29/2025ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

if someone (Third Window, perhaps) put all these short films directed Takeshi Yashiro into one nice release with all the “making of” features on the JFF site, I’d buy it. These are truly wonderful films all just under 30 minutes with Pukkulapottas the shortest at 16min. That’d be 2.25 hours of great stop motion animation + the extras.

I love the squirrel with the gas mask being an agent of the moon.


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