
Mission: Cross (2024)

Directed by Lee Myung-hoon

Action | Comedy


In the ultimate test of marriage, an agent-turned-househusband gets tangled in a perilous mission with his detective wife, who’s clueless about his past.

Rated R | Length 100 minutes


Hwang Jung-min | Yum Jung-ah | Jeon Hye-jin | Jeong Man-sik | Kim Chan-hyung | Kim Ju-hun | Cha Lae-hyung | Lee Ho-chul | Kim Jun-han | Ok Ja-Yeon | Lee Hwang-eui | Kim Byung-ok | Kim Gyu-baek | Jeong Ui-gap | Ryoo Sung-hyun | Yoon Dae-Yul | Park So-Ri | Jang Ha-sung | Lee Ga-kyung | Jonathan Thona Yiombi | Cheon Jae-hong | Han Woo-yeol | Park Tae-san | Song Chi-hoon | Kim Yoon-bae | Jang Eui-don | Kim Han-sol

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/04/2025TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

A little like Mr & Mrs Smith and other movies where the husband and wife have secret identities hidden from each other. Slight but fun. Stars Hwang Jung-min so ofc I enjoyed it.


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